Thursday, March 18, 2010


While watching the news this morning it was interrupted with a “Breaking News” stolen car chase. This guy had like 10 cop cars chasing him, not to mention a helicopter! Of course, the cops got him (YEAH!). Why do these fools think they can actually get away – are there secret “criminal streets” that we don’t know about? A lot of people give the police a ton of shit. I myself have met some crappy ones but I have also met some really good ones. I am never happy to be “busted”, however, if I break the law and get caught I guess I deserve it. BTW, I have only been “busted” for speeding and making an illegal U turn – no homicide or bank robberies on my record. Just remember, when you’re in trouble, who do you call? Ghostbusters – no – it’s actually 911. Do you ever call the cops to say “Hey, were having a great dinner party over here, would you like to join the party?” Please give the good cops the props they deserve.

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