Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Volume Control

What the hell is the deal when watching certain channels that show commercials, the commercial volume goes up 100%! We can send men and women into space, access the internet on our cell phones and even create nuclear bombs that can incinerate the entire planet but we can’t regulate volume control? Give me a frakking break (yes, “frakking” homage to all the BSG fans out there). And yes, this is one of my pissy posts.


  1. Completely agree with you. I think it is done on purpose to catch viewers attention and it can be controlled. It's all about money. They pay extra for loud and annoying.

  2. According to Will, this problem will soon be solved. He said that "they are making some law that tv stations can't do that". I don't know how an 11 year old knows this, but he has been right about lots of weird stuff, so I believe him.
